Sir Wrinkles' Latest Reviews

"SIR WRINKLES and SIR WRINKLES GOES TO SCHOOL are delightful stories that appeal to the hearts of children everywhere. The books are beautifully illustrated, and the adventures of adorable Sir Wrinkles have great lessons imbedded within them. Both parents and children will love and understand these stories. They are a must for all ages!"
Anderson Elementary School
Newport Beach, CA

"What a great wrinkly week we have had at St. John's Episcopal School thanks to your energy and creativity. You boosted our book fair sales. You also created an air of excitement and enthusiasm. You made many children excited and happy, and it was quick to see we were in the presence of true professionals. Thank you again."
K-5 Librarian
St. John's Episcopal School

"SIR WRINKLES is a charming and delightful story that every child who owns a pet or has ever dreamed of having a pet should have on their bookshelf. This is a perfect book for gift-giving with its bold, colorful illustrations and loving story of a boy who hopes to receive a bulldog for his birthday. It is a timeless story that warms the heart."
Mother of 4 and former elementary and middle school teacher

"For every child that has ever dreamed of owning their own pet, SIR WRINKLES will capture their heart. Tucked within the velvety folds of loveable Sir Wrinkles, Kyle finds love and responsibility. So snuggle in for a delightful read-a-loud as you enter the wondrous world of Sir Wrinkles."
Reading Enrichment and Writing Specialist,
St. Margaret's Episcopal School

"Sir Wrinkles visited my children's school and that is all they have talked about since the visit. My daughter won't wash her sweater because the famous Sir Wrinkles licked it! Thanks for making reading so exciting."

"As part of Shea Homes' literacy program to encourage parents to read to their kids at least 15 minutes a day, we are sharing your book, SIR WRINKLES. It was read at Escuela Popular, a school in San Jose, CA, where most of the children speak Spanish and are learning English as a second language. I want you to know that your book is making a difference in the lives of these kids. All of the students were engrossed with the reading of SIR WRINKLES. When we told them they would each receive a SIR WRINKLES book, they screamed with joy. You should be happy to know that you have contributed to the education of these children. You have helped to open up a new world to kids who may not normally get the opportunity to read a book, let alone own a book. I want to thank you for writing a wonderful book and for brightening a child's day and possibly changing their life. We can't wait to share Book 2 with our schools."
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